[conspire] PING

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sat Feb 3 15:48:17 PST 2001

I'm just following up my own post, this time using a newsreader.

> Oh, don't worry much.  There are very active mailing lists for SVLUG,
> SlugLUG, NBLUG, SULUG, SacLUG and LUGOD.  BUUG has a somewhat active list.  
> BALUG and CCSFLUG's lists exist but are seldom posted to.  EBLUG has a
> (lame) Web-based forum you can participate in if you wish -- and BUUG
> has one, too.  CalLUG used to have a mailing list, but I'm not sure it
> does now.

It turns out that CalLUG now not only has a mailing list, but has _four_
mailing lists.  None of them carry much traffic, currently.  I forgot to
mention SMAUG in Santa Cruz:  It also has a (new-ish) mailing list.

And, if you run Debian GNU/Linux, there's the Bay Area Debian list.

Cheers,                                Before enlightenment, caffeine.
Rick Moen                              After enlightenment, caffeine.
rick at linuxmafia.com

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