Top: Essays
- Art of
Turboing - Rob Levandowski's article on escalating around
obstructive customer-service organisations
J'Accuse - Perhaps the most famous and influential
newspaper article of all time (here, in the original French),
novelist Emile Edouard Charles Antoine Zola's Jan. 13, 1898
'J'Accuse' (I accuse), published in the daily newspaper
- J'Accuse
- Emile Zola's famous letter, translated into English by
Chameleon Translations of Beaucaire, France
Geek Social Fallacies - Essay 'Five Geek Social
Fallacies', in which author Michael Suileabhain-Wilson cites
characteristic groupthink dysfunctions of technical people's
- A
Guy Named Fred - Rick Moen salutes the late Fred
Korematsu and his spirit of citizenship
- Jury
Duty - Author Rick Moen's 1997 anecdote about attempting
to serve on a jury and getting thrown out for being honest
and having a conscience
- Marriage
- Kudzu and the Marriage Amendment, by Rick Moen
- New LUG
- Practical advice for founders of new Linux user groups, by
Rick Moen
- Pascal's
Wager and Me - Rick Moen details how he became
unexpectedly famous for an offhand remark he made during the
middle of a Usenet discussion
- Pseudonymous
Blogger Ethics - A kiddie calling itself Landor as an
example of fairly typical blogger and widespread misbehaviour
on the Internet under cover of fake identities
- Pre-IPO
Tale - Read a Linux Pre-IPO Cautionary Tale
- Security
Snake Oil - Discussion of how software security experts
and antivirus software companies mislead users by distracting
from the key factor of execution mechanism, and instead
focusing on trivia while ignoring real security concerns
- Semmelweis
- Kurt Vonnegut explains why Ignatz Semmelweis was his
- Smart
Questions FAQ - Essay 'How To Ask Questions the Smart
Way' by Eric S. Raymond and Rick Moen
- Surviving
Christmas - Christmas as (idiosyncratically) a time of
dread, by Rick Moen
- Sysadmin's
Secret Weapons - Presentation by Rick Moen at LinuxWorld
Expo 2001 about useful software tools for sysadmins
- User Agent
- Karsten Self's suggestion to set User-Agent to 'W3C
standards are important. Stop f---ing obsessing over
user-agent already.'
- Verizon
Sucks - Anecdote illustrating why you should prefer just
about any alternative over Verizon
- Web 2.0
Cults - Why Rick Moen eschews 'Web 2.0'-style hosting
- Worldcons
- Essay by Grant Kruger, perfectly describing what a World
Science Fiction Convention is like

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