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3.3: Is Randland a future Earth?

[Erica Sadun, Pamela Korda]

The characters in the books are the source of many of our myths and legends and we are the source of many of theirs. You can look two ways along a wheel. [RJ, America Online chat, 28 June, 1996]

Time is a wheel. If you look in one direction, you are looking at the past. If you just turn around and look in the other direction, you are looking at the future. The books are set in our future and in our past, depending on which way you look... [RJ, America Online conference, 20 October, 1994]

Here are some possible references to our world:

[TEOTW: 4, The Gleeman, 43]:

[TEOTW: 24, Flight Down the Arinelle, 300]: Bayle Domon mentions a "mountain hollowed into a bowl, and in its center, a silver spike a hundred spans high, and any who comes within a mile of it, dies." This could possibly be a big radio telescope, or maybe the Age of Legends equivalent.

[TGH: 47, The Grave Is No Bar to My Call, 559]: "Michael instead of Mikel. Patrick instead of Paedrig. Oscar instead of Otarin." St. Michael and St. Patrick? I don't know of a St. Oscar.

[TGH: 49, What Was Meant To Be, 574]: Loial is reading 'To Sail Beyond the Sunset'-- reference to Tennyson's poem "Ulysses"

[TSR: 11, What Lies Hidden, 146-7] In Tanchico Museum at the Panarch's Palace:

[TSR: 24, Rhuidean, 277]: Gautama Buddha-- Ghoetam under the tree of life

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The Wheel of Time FAQ. Copyright 2002 by Leigh Butler, Pamela Korda and Erica Sadun. HTML implementation by Leigh Butler and Pamela Korda. This site maintained by Pam Korda (pam@linuxmafia.com). Comments and questions regarding the content itself should be directed to Leigh Butler (leighdb@pacbell.net).