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2.6.6: Military Roundup: Situation Report

[Leigh Butler]

By the end of WH, there is a whopping total of about 30 armed forces wandering around Randland (give or take, depending on what you consider an army, and depending on whether a couple of them are real or not). This section gives a rundown on the military who, what, and where, and speculates on the identity of the "mystery armies" that popped up in WH.

The list is organized roughly by geography (except for Rand's armies, which are all over the place). Numbers are given where I've been able to find them.

  1. Rand's Forces

  2. Rebels in Haddon Mirk: Tairens who actively rebelled against Rand's takeover in Tear, they haven't moved since TSR except for whatever men High Lord Darlin Sisnera took with him to Cairhien. Even though Darlin has since returned to assume the Stewardship of Tear for Rand, the rebels haven't emerged (maybe - see the mystery armies, below). In [WH: 25, Bonds, 491], Rand dispatched Alanna, Rafela, Merana, Bera, and Kiruna to Haddon Mirk to negotiate an end to the rebellion.

  3. Arad Doman: Little hints have been dropped for half the series of trouble and chaos in Arad Doman. Mat hears rumors in [WH: 18, An Offer, 377] of armies moving there. Whatever's going on, it's good odds that Graendal and her dupe (or cohort) General Rodel Ituralde are involved.

  4. The Seanchan: Other than all of Rand's forces combined, the Seanchan are the largest military force in Randland - and the only army besides the Rebel AS that can mount a decent defense against Rand's Asha'man (sul'dam and damane). Exact numbers unknown, but including conscripts from Tarabon, Altara, and Amadicia easily fall in the hundreds of thousands. The Seanchan also possess the only true navy in Randland proper - and the only air force! They control most of the southwestern coast from Tarabon to Ebou Dar, including most (but not all) of Amadicia. They currently look to be mounting a second offensive against Illian.

  5. La Resistance: Anti-Seanchan partisans in Ebou Dar and possibly elsewhere (Mat hears about small armed groups all over Altara), planning to fight the invaders from within. Led in Ebou Dar by Prince Beslan. Numbers unknown. Mat doesn't think much of their chances, but the Sea Folk Windfinders he frees in WH may possibly join Beslan's cause, or at least allow him to benefit from the confusion that's sure to ensue.

  6. Perrin's forces: A ragtag mixture of Mayeners, Aiel Maidens (and Gaul), Duopotamians, Ghealdanians, a handful of Wise Ones, two Aes Sedai, and two Asha'man. Perrin tallies up the numbers at around two thousand [WH: 6, The Scent of Madness, 166]. Currently charging off, in the company of the Prophet's Dragonsworn, to rescue Faile and Co., heading south into Amadicia via Gateways and, probably, smack into a five-way confrontation with Sevanna's Shaido, Whitecloaks, Seanchan, and Dragonsworn.

  7. Dragonsworn: Though there are plenty of random bandits running around calling themselves Dragonsworn, here I'm referring to the followers of the Prophet. Berelain puts them at three to four thousand [WH: 5, Flags, 148], and though they are nominally in an uneasy alliance with Perrin's army, Faile and Co. discovered right before getting captured that Masema is actually in cahoots with the Seanchan. Bad, bad Prophet.

  8. Shaido: Perrin thought the Shaido numbered around forty thousand spears at Dumai's Wells [TPOD: 9, Tangles, 210], and Sevanna's tally agreed in [ACOS: Prologue, Lightnings, 29]; afterward they were down to less than half that number [ACOS: 20, Patterns Within Patterns, 348]. They briefly holed up in Kinslayer's Dagger, and were subsequently scattered from Ghealdan to Illian by Sammael, with one large pocket led by Sevanna in Amadicia that included 300 Wise Ones [TPOD: 11, Questions and an Oath, 249]. It's unknown how many of those WOs can channel, but Sevanna took all who could channel with her when the Shaido split up [ACOS: 40, Spears, 636]. Sevanna's group numbered a little over three thousand spears according to the Wise One Meira in [TPOD: 11, Questions and an Oath, 249], and since then five septs of the Shaido have rejoined Sevanna's group, according to Therava [WH: 4, Offers, 130]. Sulin tells Perrin that a sept might have as many as a thousand spears each [WH: 6, The Scent of Madness, 165], so Sevanna may have eight thousand spears with her by now (or more, including the Mera'din). However, there's something bizarre about the numbers here. Perrin seems to be under the impression from what Sulin told him that there are only a thousand Shaido in front of him, and so does Sulin; I find it hard to believe that Sulin could make so grave an error, though I guess it's possible. Plus, Therava also says that there are still seventy-eight more septs "scattered on the wind"; if the Shaido only had twenty thousand to begin with in Kinslayer's Dagger, it hardly seems possible that each sept has a thousand spears.

  9. Children of the Light: Balwer reported to Perrin that the Whitecloaks, led by Eamon Valda, took most of their numbers north from Amador before the city fell to the Seanchan [TPOD: 9, Tangles, 207]. They haven't appeared on-screen since ACOS, but currently appear to be no more than fifty miles or so from Perrin's army, numbering anywhere from five to ten thousand cavalry [WH: 6, The Scent of Madness, 167]. (This is based on the Warder Alharra's report to Perrin after a scouting run; though Alharra doesn't name them specifically, Perrin thinks it's pretty certain that these are the Children and not Seanchan, based on Balwer's information.)

  10. The Band of the Red Hand: Ten thousand soldiers as of [TPOD: 18, A Peculiar Calling, 369], according to Egwene. Last seen in Murandy, serving as mercenaries to King Rhoedran while waiting for Mat to reappear. Led by Talmanes of House Delovinde in Mat's absence.

  11. Murandian Army: A joke, mostly. Numbers unknown but surely negligible. Rhoedran hopes to bolster them with the Band in an effort to maintain his sovereignty.

  12. Andoran Noble Army: Led by Lady Aemlyn of House Renshar, Lady Arathelle of House Carand, and Lord Pelivar of House Coelan, and camped in northern Murandy with various minor Murandian nobles tacked on. Their numbers are unknown but apparently considerably smaller than the Rebel AS; Bryne comments that Pelivar would "think twice about coming at us if he had three times the numbers he does" [TPOD: 15, Stronger Than Written Law, 316]. A semi-educated wild guess would put them at around five thousand men or less. They are in quasi-opposition to Elayne, favoring Dyelin instead, but seem mainly concerned with biting off a chunk of Murandy for themselves.

  13. Elayne's Army: Virtually non-existent. The original Queen's Guard was pretty well gutted by Rahvin, and Birgitte's recruitment for the new Guard has only yielded thirty-two women so far [WH: 26, Expectation, 503]. Elayne has commanded recruiting of Hunters of the Horn and mercenaries to flesh them out, and she has various AS and Kin with her (and damane/sul'dam, for whatever that's worth), but the appearance of the Mystery Armies (see below) caught her way short. I'm unclear on whether Elayne actually has any House retainers and, if so, whether they are with her, but from her conversation with Dyelin and Birgitte in the Prologue of WH, it seems not.

  14. The Kin: Not technically an army, true, but one thousand seven hundred and eighty three channellers [ACOS: 31, Mashiara, 500] is nothing to sneeze at, however untrained in battle they might be. Reanne, the Knitting Circle, and what Kin were at the farm in TPOD are in Caemlyn with Elayne, and the rest are scattered all over the place; Nynaeve and Reanne sent eighteen of those in Caemlyn to Altara and Tarabon and Amadicia via Gateways, to try and find any of the Kin still in Seanchan-controlled territory [WH: 8, Sea Folk and Kin, 201]. Gathering them all up and joining them with the AS will likely be a fine mess.

  15. The Borderland Treaty Organization (BoTO): By Merilille's estimate, around two hundred thousand soldiers [WH: 26, Expectations, 511], plus thirteen unaffiliated Aes Sedai and one of the world's great generals (Agelmar). Currently sitting in the Braem Woods just north of the Andor border, though Elayne has asked them to move into Andor and play decoy. They claim to have moved south to meet with Rand and discuss his neglect of the Blight border, but their true motives are uncertain: "'Further south,' Easar added, 'it may be well to have thirteen Aes Sedai with us'" [TPOD: Prologue, Deceptive Appearances, 23].

  16. Blight Border: It's uncertain just how many soldiers the BoTO left behind them when they marched south. Ethenielle is of the opinion that what she's left can guard the Blight "short of the Trolloc Wars coming again", but her companion Alesune evidently disagrees [TPOD: Prologue, Deceptive Appearances, 20]. Even if Ethenielle is correct, though, a second Trolloc War may be exactly what the Borderlands will have to face.

  17. Shadowspawn/DO's forces: The Blight's been quiescent for months, which makes it a good bet that something major is brewing; we're way overdue for Trollocs and Myrddraal to reenter the picture, not to mention the BoTO haring off south means there hasn't been a better time to launch a Shadow offensive against the Borderlands since the Breaking. The Forsaken, with the possible exceptions of Mesaana and Semirhage, appear to be all firmly under Moridin's thumb as of WH, and ready to act in concert.

  18. The Rebel Aes Sedai: Over thirty thousand soldiers as of [TPOD: 15, Stronger Than Written Law, 318], plus around 300 full Aes Sedai [ACOS: Prologue, Lightnings, 24], a fair posse of Warders, and 1000 or so novices [TPOD: 30, Beginnings, 587]. They share the advantage of Traveling with the Asha'man, and are led by one of Randland's greatest generals. Though mostly untrained, the novices represent a distinct advantage to the rebels not only in sheer numbers but in that they are not constrained by the Three Oaths (though whether Egwene will actually use that advantage is anyone's guess). Five days before the end of WH (chronologically), the rebels Traveled from Murandy to Tar Valon, and are now sitting outside Elaida's gates.

  19. The Tower Aes Sedai: Gareth Bryne tells Egwene in [TPOD: 15, Stronger Than Written Law, 318] that Elaida has ordered the Tower Guard increased to fifty thousand men, though there's no way to know if she actually accomplished that goal. Add to that around 200 or so Aes Sedai, after losses at Dumai's Wells (27 sisters) and the Black Tower (Toveine's 50). It's unknown if the Tower Guard serves as the only armed force in Tar Valon (not counting the Warders) or if the city has a separate militia. Though Elaida may have more soldiers than Egwene, she has far fewer channellers, and those she does have are divided by internal dissent and a brewing Black Ajah purge. To balance that, she sits in a city that even Artur Hawkwing couldn't besiege successfully.

  20. The Younglings: A small but elite fighting force led by Gawyn Trakand. Their numbers were reduced to less than 200 men after Dumai's Wells [ACOS: Prologue, Lightnings, 52]. They were last mentioned in [ACOS: 32, Sealed to the Flame, 506]; they had escorted the twelve TAS who escaped Dumai's Wells back to Tar Valon, but were then refused entrance to the city by the bridge guards. Presumably they're still outside the city, in prime position for Egwene to stumble into Gawyn once she arrives (unless Gawyn's already responded to his sister Elayne's summons to Caemlyn).

Mystery Armies

After Elayne returns from speaking with the BoTO in [WH: 27, To Surprise Kings and Queens, 531], Norry tells her that there are four small armies approaching Caemlyn from the east. He says they will reach the city in a week, and estimates their numbers at anywhere from twenty to thirty thousand men. (It's interesting, though perhaps only coincidental, that the mystery armies appear in Andor the same day Egwene's army Travels to Tar Valon.) So who are they?


One more Mystery Army, maybe

While in Far Madding, Rand hears a rumor that the Stone of Tear is under seige [WH: 32, A Portion of Wisdom, 593]. This could be total nonsense, as so many of the rumors floating about Randland are, or it could be confusion over Darlin's assumption of control in Tear, or it could really be something. Just in case, here are some ideas of who it could be:

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