DIP-NETWORKING-GUIDE "Trust this and get connected."
Unknown server error, Network is unreachable, = Network not configured
(This Guide is Linux Specific, and Unix General. (By Kent Robotti) (11-5-96)
(Contents...> (1).>>> Important Network Files...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(2).>>> DiP...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(3).>>> PppD...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(4).>>> NFS...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(5).>>> Software Recommendations...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(6).>>> SLIRP...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(7).>>> Further Reading...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
This guide's purpose is to show you how to configure your linux system, to
use slip/ppp. To use slip/ppp you have to have networking support compiled
in your kernel. In addition you'll need the particular protocols you want
to use i.e. slip, ppp, cslip, compiled in the kernel, or as modules.
Chances are you have this, unless you compiled a kernel and answered no to
the above.
(This guide is slackware specific, another linux distribution will most likely
have different names for some of these files, and be in different directories.)
You'll also need to have installed, the (tcpip) networking programs, on
slackware 3.1, these programs are in.> /cdrom/slakware/n? (tcpip)
(Dip> Used to make slip/ppp connection.> /cdrom/slakware/n? (dip)
(pppd> Used to make ppp connection.> /cdrom/slakware/n? (ppp)
################# (Using pkgtool to install packages.) ####################
~# mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom <-If not already mounted.)
~# pkgtool
(Other.> Install packages from some other directory.
(Select Source Directory.> /cdrom/slakware/n?
(Use \|/, down arrow key, for (Yes) (No) (Quit)
This guide is far from the last word on this subject, so I'm including pointers
at the end to further writings in this area.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(1)...Files to be concerned with, /etc/HOSTNAME, hosts, resolv.conf, /etc/rc.d/
rc.M, rc.inet1, rc.inet2, rc.S?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
~# vi /etc/HOSTNAME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

darkstar.ios.com <-Just one line, the name you give Your Network =
Your Computer = (darkstar) and Your ISP = Internet
Service Provider's Name = (ios.com)

darkstar:~# vi /etc/hosts <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< localhost darkstar.ios.com darkstar <- = (Your IP Address.)
Your service provider assigns
you one, either statically (it's
the same every time) or dynamic-
ally (it's different every time.)

Even if you're assigned an IP address dynamically, you may notice that it's the
same every time. In this case you can put it in /etc/hosts. If it's not the
same every time use as your IP address.
darkstar:~# vi /etc/resolv.conf <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

domain ios.com <-Your service provider's domain name.)
nameserver <-Your service provider's IP address,
nameserver if more than one, include them all, if
nameserver you don't know just ask your service
darkstar:~# vi /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


#Attach the loopback device.
/sbin/ifconfig lo <-Configure loopback, so you can ping
/sbin/route add -net yourself ~/# ping
# <-If you just have a slip/ppp connection,
# You can comment # out the rest of this
# file #################################)

darkstar:~# vi /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

# Constants
echo -n "Starting daemons:"
# Start the SUN RPC Portmaper <-If you want to use (NFS) to mount
if [ -f{NET}/rpc.portmap ]; then remote filesystems, include these
echo -n " portmap" lines, The rest of this file can
${NET}/rpc.portmap be commented out #################
fi unless you're acting as a server?)

darkstar:~# vi etc/rc.d/rc.M <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

# Tell the viewers what's going to happen...
echo "going multiuser..."
# Screen blanks after 15 minutes idle time.
/bin/setterm -blank 15 <-blank 0 -store = No Blanking.)
# Look for CD-ROM............................
# Comment # this, Put this line in /etc/fstab
# /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro 0 0
# Now -> ~/# mount /cdrom ~/# umount /cdrom
# Set the hostname..............................
/bin/hostname `cat /etc/HOSTNAME | cut -f1 -d .` (If you just have a slip/
#Initialize the NET subsystem. ppp connection, anything
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ]; then not listed here, can be
. /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 commented out ##########
. /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 #######################)
/usr/sbin/syslogd <-Syslogd & Klogd /cdrom/slakware/a3/(syslogd)
/usr/sbin/klogd (System loging programs...)
/usr/sbin/lpd <-Don't # this line if you have a printer.)
# Remove stale locks.........
Yes! leave this in...(No ###)
# Remove stale hunt sockets..
#Update all the shared library links automatically.
# Start the local setup procedure.
. /etc/rc.d/rc.local
# All done.
You may also want to look at /etc/rc.d/(rc.S) there's a line at the end.>>>>>>
/bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.serial <-Remove # if there, so that rc.serial is run.
This may help if you're having trouble getting
your modem detected..........................)

(If you don't have a /dev/file for your modem, do this to create one.>
/dev# MAKEDEV ttyS1 <-ttyS0 = cua0 = com1 | ttyS1 = cua1 = com2 etc...)
(Or.> ~# mknod -m 660 /dev/cua1 c 5 65 <-cua0 = com1 cua1 = com2 etc...)
(2)...(Manual login, using DiP.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
darkstar:~# dip -tv

DIP: host=darkstar.ios.com IP=

(This reflects what you put in /etc/hosts, if you don't know your IP address,
because it's assigned dynamically it's not the same eveytime, you should
put in /etc/hosts as your IP address.)

DIP> port cua1 <-cua0=com1, cua1=com2, cua2=com3, etc. or port modem)
DIP> reset <-Reset the modem = ATZ)
DIP> term (If speed is set to high.> [DIP> speed 19200 (Etc.)
AT&F%C0W2 <-Enter] [The modem init string...)
ATDT2956700 <-The phone number...)
Login: Password: Your IP address is - My IP address is
If you are using (SLIRP) the slip/ppp emulator, it would go like this.>>>>>>
/user/home/jerry% slirp -P <-Start slirp after login: in PPP mode...)
(IP address of slirp host: <-Slirp allows you to have a slip/ppp
(Your address is connection with just a shell account,
(or anything else you want) you upload the slirp program to your
(Type five zeros (0) to exit.) home dir. on your service providers
(Talking PPP, 115200 baud) system, and start slirp after you
(Slirp Ready...) login:)...see below for details.)

(Slirp give's you a IP address of, but will be fine, it
says "or anything else you want").

############ To exit DIP term mode, press the keys [Ctrl] ] ###############

DIP> default <-For ppp...............................)
DIP> mode ppp <-You should be ppp connected after this.)

DIP> get $rmtip <-For slip & cslip, you might have to get
DIP> default your service provider's IP address first.)
DIP> mode slip (Or.> mode cslip

darkstar:~# ping <-To see if you're connected...)
(Press the keys...) [Ctrl] Z or [Ctrl] C to exit ping, or anything...)
If connected, then...darkstar:~# lynx, ftp, telnet, etc...
darkstar:~# dip -k <-To kill dip...)
~# find / -name LCK* <-To find lock files.) /var/spool/uucp/LCK..cua1
Every time dip is run, it creates lock files, /var/lock/LCK..cua1,
/etc/dip.pid, if you Quit dip properly, (DIP> quit (or reboot, these should be
removed, otherwise you can't use dip again, until you remove them.
(Sample DiP Script.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
darkstar:~# vi ppp.dip
port /dev/cua1 <-Where's the modem ?)
speed 38400 <-38400=28.8 modem, 19200=14.4 modem.)
reset <-Reset the Modem = ATZ)
send AT&F%C0W2\r <-Modem init string.)
wait OK 3 <-Wait for OK response, from the modem.)
if $errlvl != 0 goto OK <-If not found, say so.)
send ATDT 295-6700\r <-Dial the Phone number.)
wait BUSY 10 <-Wait 10 sec...)
if $errlvl != 3 goto LINE_BUSY <-If Line is BUSY, say so...)
wait CONNECT 35 <-You have 35 sec. to connect.)
if $errlvl != 0 goto CAN'T_CONNECT <-If CAN'T CONNECT, say so.)
wait annex: 5 <-Some logins, require the annex: step, as well
if $errlvl != 0 goto annex: as others, if not skip to, wait login: 15.)
send 3\r <-annex: number 3 and \r <Enter>
wait login: 15 <-Wait for login: prompt, for 15 seconds.)
if $errlvl != 0 goto login: <-If login: prompt is not found say so.)
send jerry\r <-Login name, (jerry) and \r = <Enter>)
wait Password: 10 <-P or p ?, assword: if not sure.)
if $errlvl != 0 goto Password: <-If Password: prompt is not found, say so.)
send secret\r <-Password and \r <Enter>)
get $remote remote 5 <-Get your service provider's IP address.)
if $errlvl != 0 REMOTE_IP_? <-If IP address is not found, say so.)
default <-Use Default Route = Important.)
print PPP CONNECTED: $rmtip <-Print to screen Remote IP address.)
mode ppp <-Or> (mode slip) (mode cslip)
exit <-Exit Return Me To.>~# lynx, ftp, etc.)
darkstar:~# chmod u+x ppp.dip <-Make ppp.dip executable...)
darkstar:~# dip ppp.dip <-Execute ppp.dip...)
(Look for this and that...not found) This will pinpoint the problem,
not enough time, misspellings, etc...)
darkstar:~# dip -v ppp.dip <-To run the script in verbose mode...)
(Putting it all together.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
darkstar:~# vi ppp <-Create a script to remove lock files, and start dip...)
rm -f /var/spool/uucp/LCK*
rm -f /var/lock/LCK*
rm -f /etc/dip.pid
dip ppp.dip
darkstar:~# chmod u+x ppp
darkstar:~# ppp <-Removes lock files, and starts dip to execute script...)
(3)...(Compiling ppp-2.3b3?...) ~/ppp-2.3.b3?# configure <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
=============================================# make kernel
# make
# make install

(PPP-2.3b3?, requires linux kernel 1.3.100 or later, the later the

(If ppp doesn't install the scripts.-> ~/ppp-2.3b3# mv scripts /etc/ppp
/etc/ppp/scripts# cp ppp* /usr/sbin <-Copy ppp-off, ppp-on, & ppp-dialer
to /usr/sbin, so they'll be in
your path.)
~# ppp-off <-Kill ppp...)

(The ppp-on & ppp-dialer scripts have to be configured = edited to work.)

(Where to Get...(ppp-2.3b3.tar.gz) You should have no trouble compiling this,
if you have a recent kernel...ftp.cs.anu.edu.au /pub/software/ppp)

If you want to use ppp.2.3.b3?, you'll have to compile a recent kernel
after you do make kernel above, the latest stable kernel is 2.0.23.
(ftp.funet.fi /pub/Linux/kernel/src/v2.0) (linux-2.0.23.tar.gz)
(Get this also if you don't have them.-> (modules-2.0.0.tar.gz)

PPP scripts, to be concerned with, (ppp-on) defines some parameters, and
calls the program /usr/sbin/chat, to execute the chat script (ppp-on-dialer)
(ppp-off) exits ppp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The use of a ppp chat script to establish a ppp connection is not discussed
in this guide, due to my ignorance in this area, please refer to the PPP-HOWTO
and ppp-2.3b3 documentation for guidance in how to create a chat script, or
use the shell script (pppsetup) to create a chat script. See below for details.

(If you have slip/ppp compiled as modules, you can load them this way, or if
you have (kerneld) support compiled in the kernel, they will be loaded
automatically when they are needed...see below...)

~# depmod -a <-To create.> /lib/modules/?/modules.dep file.)
# modprobe bsd_comp <-Load slhc, ppp & bsd_comp.)
# modprobe ppp_deflate <-Load slhc, ppp & ppp_deflate.)
# modprope slip <-Load slhc & slip.)
# modprobe ppp <-Load slhc & ppp, no bsd_comp.)
# rmmod -r bsd_comp <-Unload bsd_comp, ppp, & slhc.)
# rmmod -r ppp_deflate <-Unload ppp_deflate, ppp & slhc.)
# rmmod -r slip <-Unload slhc & slip.)
# rmmod -r ppp <-Unload slhc & ppp.)

(If a module refuses to load, use the -f switch...~# insmod -f /path/module.o)

(Never strip a module.-> ~# strip module.o <-Don't do this...)

(If you have /sbin/(kerneld) support compiled in the kernel, and you have this
line in /etc/rc.d/rc.S, all your modules will be loaded automatically when
they are needed, and automatically unloaded if they are not being used for
a period of time.

/sbin/swapon -a <-Add the line /sbin/kerneld to rc.S, don't
/sbin/update & replace rc.S with the (rc.hints) file that
/sbin/kerneld comes with modules-2.0.0, just keep rc.hints
as a reference.)

(http://www.pi.se/blox/modules) (modules-2.0.0.tar.gz) # make # make install)
(There's a little shell script you might want to get called (pppsetup)
this will ask you questions and output the answers to a couple of files,
(~ppp-go) -> & -> (~.pppscript) this chat script will connect you, based on the
answers you gave (PPPSETUP) and start ppp.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp (pppsetup)

(Make Pppsetup Executable.............(~# chmod u+x pppsetup
~# pppsetup <-Start Script...)
(Phone number : ? Baud rate : ? Nameserver IP : <-Your service
Dialup server says : ogin: provider's IP
...and you say : jerry address.....)
Dialup server says : assword:
...and you say : secret
Dialup server says : *** <-To End Pppsetup.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
~# ppp-go <-To start the .pppscript you just created to connect to your ISP.)
(Your /etc/ppp/options file should look something like this, if not exactly.)
-vj <-Disable vj compression, this may improve performance.)
debug <-To get debug info. in the /var/log/(debug) file.)
bsdcomp 15,15 <-To use bsd compression, if the module /lib/modules
/?/net/bsd_comp.o is installed, and it can be loaded.)
deflate 15,15 <-To use the ppp_deflate module that comes with ppp-2.3b3?)
(Manual login: using minicom.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
First change the default help key setup to make it less awkward...............)
~# minicom -s (Screen and keyboard) Press the A key, then the [Esc] key,
then <Enter> (Now (Save setup as dfl)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
After you login: and SLIP/PPP is started, Your IP Address is,
My IP Address is, You can (Suspend Minicom) (Press the keys,
[Alt] J (To suspend minicom.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

~# pppd cua1 & <-Start ppp...)
# ftp lynx etc. <-You're PPP connected...?)
# netstat -rn <-Network status report.)

(~# jobs <-To list suspended jobs.)
[4] Stopped minicom -s
(~# fg 4 <-To get back to minicom, Put job # 4 in the (f)ore(g)round.)
(4)...NFS...(NETWORK FILE SYSTEM)...........................................(4)
(To mount a remote filesystem over an ethernet or slip/ppp connection.........)

(You need to have (NFS) FILESYSTEM SUPPORT compiled in your kernel............)
~/# cat /proc/filesystems <-To see a listing of supported filesystems......)
nodev proc
nodev nfs <-Eureka!!!)
(Put the name's of the remote hosts you want to mount, in /etc/fstab..........)
darkstar~/# vi /etc/fstab <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
/dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 0 1
/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda3 /dos msdos defaults 0 2
/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro 0 0
wuarchive.wustl.edu:/archive/.archive01 /mnt nfs noauto,ro,soft 0 0
nfs.diaspar.com:/slackware /mnt nfs noauto,ro,soft 0 0

(After your connected, ethernet or slip/ppp, mount the remote host............)
darkstar:~# mount nfs.diaspar.com:/slackware /mnt (Or.> ~# mount /mnt
darkstar:~# cd /mnt
darkstar:/mnt# ls
(Stopping, SLIP/PPP, could leave your system in a state of shock, which might
make your console behave erratically. If this happens...~# reset (Or.> Change
consoles...(Press the keys, [Alt] F2, F3, F4, etc. <-To change consoles......)
Then login: and either continue in the new console...(Or.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
~# halt ~# reboot ~# shutdown -r now < -r If you want to reboot...........)
(5)...Software Recommendations.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(When you enter (sunsite) or its mirror (gatech), you should look in
(/pub/Linux/Incoming) first; there may be a more recent version of the
program you're looking for there..............................................)

(If you want to find a mirror of (sunsite) that's closer to you, get the file.>
/pub/Linux/MIRRORS (Or.> http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/MIRRORS.html

(1). [archie & gopher...] (Archie FTP & Gopher Search Programs...)
(archie-1.4.ELF.tar.gz) <-precompiled-elf.)
~# archie -s find? | more
(ftp.crl.go.jp) (/pub/internet/network/gopher/Unix)
(gopher2_3.tar.gz) # configure # make)

(2). [arena...] (Graphical WWW. Browser, precompiled-elf-version available.)
(arena-beta-2b-linux.gz) (Or>

(3). [dilinux...) (D)rop (I)n linux slip/ppp networking system for dos,
win95, in dos mode...Kernel 2.0.24-ELF...)
(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu) (/pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux)
(Or.> (/pub/Linux/Incoming)
(Dilinux.README for more details.)

(Dilinux has support for PCI motherboards, IDE hard drives, IDE/ATAPI
cdrom drives, Serial mice, & Parallel printers, it has no support for
SCSI hard drives or Ethernet cards.) (Dilinux is about 20 mbytes.
unzipped & 8 1/2 mbytes. zipped.)

(Some dilinux software: (1). slrn0.9.1.1 (2). tin-1.3-unoff (3). lynx2.6-
.color. (4). ncftp-2.4.2 (5). irc.BitchX.v.68b (6). Midnight Commander-3.5.4
(7). Minicom-1.75 with X, Y, Z, modem (8). Pine mail-client-reader.v.3.95
(9). popclient.v.3.0b6 pop2 & 3 mail client. (10). sendmail.v.8.8.2, mail
delivery program. (11). tiny-fugue-35a21, mud client. (12). leafnode.v.1.0.1,
complete off-line news-reading solution. (13). gopher.v.2.3.0 Search program.
(14). archie.v.1.4.1 Ftp search program. (15). zgv.v.2.7, Image viewer, .jpeg,
.gif, .bmp, .png, etc.)

(4). [ircii...] (I)nternet (R)elay (C)hat) (Client & Server.)
(ftp.funet.fi) (/pub/unix/irc/ircII)
(ircii-2.9-roof?.tar.gz) <-Get the latest ?)
(ircii-2.9# configure # make # make install)
(~# man ircII <-Man page.)
(~# irc <-After you're connected slip/ppp etc.)
>/help <-To get help.)
>/server irc.wisp.net <-Connect to irc server)
>/nick linuts <-Give yourself a nickname.)
>/join #linux <-Join channel #linux)
>/signoff <-When your done...)

The scripts and help files will be put in /usr/local/lib/irc when you
make install.
There should also be a sample.ircrc file you can put in.> /root/.ircrc
load this <-Sample /root/.ircrc file.)
load that
nick NickWit

(5). [kermit...] (Modem Terminal Program....................................)

(ftp.kermit.columbia.edu) (/kermit/test/tar) (cku192?.tar.gz)

(kermit# make linux "KFLAGS=-DNODEBUG -DNOOLDMODEMS" <-To Compile with
# mv ckuker.nr /usr/man/man1/kermit.1 <-Man page.) tcp/ip support.)
# strip wermit
# mv wermit /usr/bin/kermit
# vi /root/.kermrc <-Create .kermrc file.)

(Kermit uses /lib/libcurses.so, unless you compile it without -DCK_CURSES ->
kermit# vi makefile (Press the keys.-> H2634 <-To goto line 2634, Remove.>
CFLAGS = -??? -??? -DCK_CURSES -??? -??? \ <-Remove.> -DCK_CURSES
"LIBS = -ltermcap" (Remove.> -lcurses (Keep.> -ltermcap)

(Curses makes kermit bigger, and doesn't really add anything significant to it.)

(There's plenty of documentation. You might want to keep any files with a
.ini, .doc, .hlp, .bwr, & .upd extension.)

(Sample. ~/.kermrc file.....................|~# kermit (Some Kermit Commands.)

set line /dev/cua1 |Linux Kermit> dial 2409600
set speed 115200 |Connected...................)
set modem type hayes-high-speed |Kermit Ready To Send...
set file download-directory /download |Press the keys.> [Ctrl] \ C
show comm |Linux Kermit> receive
set dial timeout 35 |Linux Kermit> c /q
set file type binary |Zmodem Ready To Send...
set flow rts/cts |Press the keys.> [Ctrl] \ C
set modem speed-matching off |Linux Kermit> rz
set dial display on |Linux Kermit> suspend
set file name literal |~# Do Something else...
set rec pack 4096 |~# fg kermit
set send pack 4096 |Linux Kermit> hangup
set window 5 |Linux Kermit> quit
set prompt Linux Kermit> |~# reset <-If console acts
set dial retries 3 |weird, after quitting kermit.)
set dial interval 2 |~# kermit
set dial confirmation on |Linux Kermit> dial
set modem autoanswer on ATS0=1 |dial sorry, you must SET LINE
set receive timeout 60 |or set HOST first = You have
set send timeout 60 |to remove lock file first...
define rz !rz < /dev/cua1 > /dev/cua1 |~# rm /var/lock/LCK*
define sz !sz \%0 > /dev/cua1 < /dev/cua1 |~# kermit
set block-check 3 |
set file incomplete keep <-Linux Kermit> reget something.tgz
set file display fullscreen <-If you leave -DCK_CURSES in
when you compile kermit...)

(6). [knews...] (X Windows Newsreader....................................)
(ncftp> open (to> ftp.nada.kth.se (/home/su95-kjo/knews)
(knews-0.9.8.tar.gz) (If you have sendmail installed.->
(knews-0.9.8/configure.h <-Remove /* */ from the line that
points to it.> #define MAIL_COMMAND "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
(knews-0.9.8# xmkmf
# make Makefiles
# make clean
# make all
# make install

(7). [leafnode...] (Probably the best answer to off-line newsreading.)
(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux/system/News/readers)
(Comes with a good README easy to install.)

(8). [lynx...] (Fast Non-Graphical, WWW. Browser...Compile with slang = color.)
(lynx2.6.zip) <-Latest Source.)
(ftp.more.net) (/pub/mirrors/lynx)
(lynx2.6.tar.gz) <-Latest Source.)
(~# unzip lynx2.6.zip) (Or.> ~# tar xzvf lynx2.6.tar.gz)
(~/lynx2.6# vi Makefile <-Edit...)
(In vi press the keys.> H77 <Enter> <-To goto line 77)
(About 77 lines from the top, remove # # from these 2 lines.>>>
SLANGINC = -l../../slang/src# <-Remove # from the beginning,
SLANGLIB = -L../../slang/src$(ARCH)objs# <-not the end.)
(~/slang <-Slang should be here, already compiled.)
(~/lynx2.6# make linux-slang
# make install
# man lynx <-Man page.)
(# make linux = Plain lynx # make linux-ncurses = Must have
ncurses installed /cdrom/slakware/d?/(ncurses)
(Or.> (ftp.sunsite.unc.edu)
(lynx2-6.color.ELF.tgz) <-Precompiled-elf, with slang-color.)

(Add this line for lynx to recognize (.tgz). -> /usr/local/lib/(lynx.cfg)
SUFFIX:.tgz:application/octet-stream <-Put this line anywhere in (lynx.cfg)

(9). [mc...] (Midnight Commander, The File Manager by which all
others are judged, also does excellent ftp.)
(Uncompiled source, to compile.>>>
(mc-3.5.4# configure # make # make install)

(10). [mosaic...] (Another equally popular, Graphical WWW. Browser.)
(Precompiled elf, and aout, versions available.)
(to> ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu)
(Mosaic-linux-static-2.7b4.gz) <-BEST-BET-GET-IT.)
(Mosaic-linux-dynamic-2.7b4.gz) <-???)
(Static = ELF + AOUT) (Dynamic = Just ELF)

(11). [ncftp...] (Has -C -R Options, so you can resume a download that was
interrupted, and retrieve entire directories...)
(ncftp-2.4.2.tar.gz) <-Source.)
(ftp.probe.net /pub/ncftp)
(/pub/ncftp/precompiled) <-Compiled linux elf.)

(12). [netscape...] (The Most Popular, Graphical WWW. Browser...)
(ncftp> open (to> ftp2.netscape.com
(ncftp> cd pub/navigator/3.0/current/unix)

(13). [nn...] (Excellent Newsreader if you have a ethernet connection; not
recommended for a slip/ppp connection.)
(ncftp> open (to> sunsite.unc.edu (Precompiled-elf.)
(/pub/Linux/system/News/readers) (nn-6.5.1-bin.tar.gz)
(/# tar xzvf nn-6.5.1-linux-bin.tar.gz <-It's installed)

(14). [peruser...] (Offline Newsreader...) Will post, download, thread,
and read Newsgroups offline, requires X Windows and
regex-0.12, libforms.so.0.81, to compile & run........)
(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu) (/pub/Linux/system/News/readers)
(peruser2.9.tgz) <-Compiled elf and source available.)
(ncftp> open (to> laue.phys.uwm.edu)
(/pub/xforms/test/)(bxform-linuxELF.tgz) <-libforms.so.0.81)
(~/xforms# make install <-Install /usr/lib/libforms.so)
(ncftp> (to> prep.ai.mit.edu (/pub/gnu) (regex-0.12.tar.gz)
(regex-0.12# configure
# make
(You'll get some errors at the end if you don't have tex)
installed; don't worry all you need is regex.o)
(~/regex-0.12# mkdir /usr/local/src/regex-0.12
# mv regex.o /usr/local/src/regex-0.12
(~/news-peruser# make <-Compile & Read INSTALL.)
(~# mkdir .peruser_spool
(~# vi .peruser-newsrc <-Create file...)
alt.os.linux: <-Groups you want to download.)
(~# startx (Then.> ~/news-peruser# peruser <-Start peruser.)
(Configure...) (Click on [Hear] after you're connected
slip/ppp, and peruser will download the newsgroups in
~.peruser-newsrc and put them in ~.peruser_spool)
(After the newsgroups are downloaded, click on a
newsgroup to read it.)

(15). [pine...] (Mail Client-Reader, also a newsgroup reader.v.3.95.....)
(Contents...Pine, Pico = editor, Pilot = file manager)
(imapd, pop2d, pop3d, <-Servers, Not included in
precompiled-elf version.)
(ftp.cac.washington.edu) (/pine) (pine-3.95.tar.gz)
(pine# build lnx <-Compile source.)
(ftp.cc.gatech.edu) (/pub/linux/system/Mail/readers)
(pine3.95.ELF.tgz) <-Precompiled-elf, no source.)

If you want to read your mail remotely, you have to put your mailserver
in pine, start pine, enter setup, press C = config.

personal-name = Kent Robotti
user-domain = i-2000.com
smtp-server = <-Leave blank, if you have sendmail
nntp-server = news.i-2000.com <-Your news.server, pine reads news.
inbox-path = {i-2000.com/pop3} <-For example, my service provider's
name is i-2000.com and they use
inbox-path = {i-2000.com} <-If they don't use pop, but
something else like imap.

Press E, then Y to save your setup in.> /root/.pinerc

You can put your Reply-To: = email@address in the /root/.pinerc file.
customized-hdrs=Reply-To: rosebud@i-2000.com <-For example at about
line 110.

(You'll need a mail delivery program like sendmail to send mail with pine.)

(15). (pop...) (Pop2 & 3 Mail Clients...............................)
(ftp.cc.gatech.edu) (/pub/linux/system/Mail/pop)
1. fetchpop-1.9.tar.gz <-# make all # make install
2. fetchmail-1.9.tar.gz <-# configure # make # make install
(Fetchmail was formerly called popclient.)
1. PopTart-0.97.tar.gz <-Precompiled-elf + source.)

(There's a patch for fetchpop-1.9, it just corrects some spelling errors.)
~# fetchpop-1.9
~# patch < fetchpop.patch

(16). [sendmail...] (Mail Delivery Program.............................)
(ftp.cs.berkeley.edu) (/ucb/src/sendmail)
(sendmail/src/Makefiles/Makefile.Linux <-Edit.)
DBMDEF= -DNDBM -DNEWDB <-Change this.)
DBMDEF= -DNEWDB <-To this.)
(sendmail/src# makesendmail <-Compile sendmail.)
(sendmail/cf/cf/tcpproto.mc <-Edit.)
OSTYPE(linux)dnl <-Should read like this.)
(sendmail/cf# m4 m4/cf.m4 cf/tcpproto.mc > sendmail.cf
# cp sendmail.cf /etc
(You need (m4) to create the sendmail.cf file, on
slackware 3.1 m4 is in /cdrom/slakware/d? (m4.tgz)
(sendmail/src/obj.Linux.?# make install
(sendmail/src# cp aliases /etc
# cp aliases /etc/aliases.db
# newaliases

(You can add -DNIS to src/Makefiles/Makefile.linux to get NIS support.

(You might want to compile mail.local also.)
sendmail/contrib# uudecode mail.local.linux
# tar xzf mail.local.linux.tar.Z
# cd mail.local
sendmail/contrib/mail.local# gcc -O -s -o mail.local mail.local.c
# mv mail.local /bin

(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux/system/Mail/delivery)
(Or.> /pub/Linux/Incoming)
(sendmail.8.8.2.ELF.tgz) <-Compiled elf version.)

(17). [skim...] (Offline Newsreader......................................)
(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu) (/pub/Linux/system/News/readers)
(skim# make;make depend;make all;make test <-README)
# chmod u+x skim
# chmod u+x xskim
# make install
(Two versions (skim) & (xskim), xskim requires X Windows & tcl/tk to run,
see below...[surfit...]

(18). [slrn...] (Fast Newsreader, First choice for a slip/ppp connection.)
(ncftp> open (to> space.mit.edu (/pub/davis/slrn)(latest ?)

[slang...] (Required by slrn, to compile...)
(/pub/davis/slang)(latest ?)
(~# tar xzvf slang?.tar.gz)
(~# tar xzvf slrn?.tar.gz)
(First.> ~/slang# configure # make
(Second.> ~/slrn# configure # make
(Put ~/slrn/(slrn.rc) in /root/.slrnrc)
(~# touch .jnewsrc <-Create empty file in /root)
(~# vi /etc/profile <-Add line below and then.> ~# reboot)
export NNTPSERVER="news.ios.com" <-="Your.news.server")
export SLRNHELP="/etc/help.txt" <-Put help.txt in /etc)
export EDITOR="pico" <-Export your editor.)
(~/slrn/src/objs# slrn -C -n <-After your connected.)
(You can keep ~/slang where it is for [lynx...]...see above...)
(Or> (ncftp> open (to> sunsite.unc.edu
(slrn0.9.1.1.ELF.tgz) <-Precompiled-linux-elf-version.)

You can enable various features in slrn before you compile it in the
slrn/src/slrnfeat.h file.
#define SLRN_HAS_? 1 <-1 = Yes 0 = No
#define SLRN_HAS_SPOOL_SUPPORT 1 etc...
You can answer 1 to most of the #defines, except SLRN_FORCE_INEWS, you
probably don't want that.
Don't change anything below these lines...Stop here...
#ifndef VMS <-Stop here...)
blah blah
blah blah

Remove the # from this line in src/Makefile and make these changes.
Now you can put your newsserver in the /etc/nntpserver file or you can
export it above.
news.your.newsserver <-/etc/nntpserver file.)
(If you want a correct email@address & name to be included in postings, do

My email address is joe@soho.ios.com & my name is Kent Robotti, I
have this in my /etc/hosts, HOSTNAME, & resolv.conf files. localhost darkstar.ios.com darkstar <-/etc/hosts

darkstar.ios.com <-/etc/HOSTNAME

domain ios.com <-/etc/resolv.conf

(Put this in.> /etc/profile)
export REPLYTO="joe@soho.ios.com" -=Your@email.address.)
export NAME="Kent Robotti" <-=Your name.)

(19). [suck...] (Suck downloads newsgroups, so you can read them off-line.)
(ftp.cc.gatech.edu) (/pub/linux/system/Mail/news)
(suck-3.1.0.tar.gz) # configure # make)
(http://www.holli.com/~jbuchana/computer.html) <-Pnews.)
(pnews-0.11.tar.gz) <-Suck Frontend. # make)

You can use tin to read the newsgroups you downloaded with suck.
alt.os.linux 0 <-Sample ~/sucknewsrc file, suck will
comp.os.linux.misc 0 download these newsgroups.)
Start suck this way.-> ~# suck news.server -br bnews
Suck will connect to your.news.server to download the groups
you put in ~/sucknewsrc, and put them in the batch file bnews.
Then you list the groups in the /usr/lib/news/active file.
alt.os.linux 0 0 y <-List them like this.)
comp.os.linux.misc 0 0 y
~# pnews_expand < bnews <-This will put the newsgroups
in /var/spool/news, if this is where you told pnews to put
them in .pnewsrc, this is the standard place.
You can put pnewsrc from pnews in.-> /usr/lib/news/.pnewsrc,
pnews_expand will look for it there.
~# tin <-Start tin in local mode.)
Press the Y then Z key to yank them in.

Suck & Pnews will require you to (export) your news.server, they won't
look in the /etc/nntpserver file like tin will for your news.server.

export NNTPSERVER=news.something.com <-=your.news.server
Put the above line in.-> /etc/profile

(You can use the slrn newsreader also in local mode, if you enabled
it to read news from the spool directory in slrn/src/slrnfeat.h.
~# slrn --spool <-Start slrn in local mode.)
(Suck & Pnews have documentation with further information, with
pnews it can be much more automated than the above example.)

(20). [surfit...] (X Windows WWW. Browser..............................)
(ftp.pastime.anu.edu.au) (/pub/SurfIt/surfit-0.5.tar.gz)
(Doesn't need to be compiled, just requires tcl7.5 &
tk4.1 or later to run. (Install tcl & tk first, see below.)
(surfit-0.5# configure
(surfit-0.5# chmod u+x surfit <-Make executable.)
(Make sure this line in surfit looks like this.>>>>>
exec /usr/local/bin/wish "$0" "$@"
(~# startx (Then.> ~/surfit-0.5 surfit <-Start surfit.)

(ftp.smli.com) (TCL & TK,~# rm -r tcl* & tk* after both are installed.)
(/pub/tcl) (First.)~/tcl7.5# configure # make # make install
(tcl7.5.tar.gz) (Second.)~/tk4.1# configure # make # make install
(tk4.1.tar.gz) (/usr/local/bin# ln -s wish4.1 wish <-Create link.)

(21). [tin...] (The Newsreader, by which all others are judged..........)
(ftp.akk.uni-karlsruhe.de) (/pub/tin) <-Source.)
(tin-1.3-unoff-961101?.tgz) /tin# configure /tin/src# make
(Read (INSTALL) for a listing of various options you
can add to /src/Makefile, e.g. CFLAGS = -DNNTP_ABLE <-This
will compile tin for local & remote newsreading.)
(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu) (/pub/Linux/system/News/readers)
(Or.> (/pub/Linux/Incoming)
(tin-1.3-unoff-BETA-961025.ELF.tgz) <-Precompiled-elf-color.)
(~# tin -rnqa <-Start tin.)

(Tin-1.3-unoff doesn't check the active or newsgroups file, so it
has a faster startup.
(Put the groups you want tin to retrieve in the /root/.newsrc file,
like this.)

alt.os.linux: <-For example.)

(You can put your newsserver in the /etc/nntpserver file.)
news.ios.com <-For example.)

~# tin -ranqg news.ios.com <-From the command line.)
-r remote mode. -a = use color. -n = Don't read active file.
-q = Don't check for new newsgroups. -g = connect to this.news.server.

(When tin is run for the first time, it creates.-> ~/.tin/(tinrc), you can
change various tin defaults in (tinrc).

(22). [tinyfugue...] (M)ulti (U)ser (D)ungeons (MUD CLIENT...?...?...?...)
(ftp.tf.tcp.com) (/pub/tinyfugue) (tf-35a21?.tar.gz)
(tf-35a21# unixmake <-Will compile & install...)

(23). [w3...] (W3-LineMode WWW. Browser, Non-Graphical lynx like browser.)
(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu) (/pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems)
(W3.WWW.4.0D.binelf.tgz) <-Precompiled-linux-elf-version.)

(24). [xIrc...] (X) Windows (I)nternet (R)elay (C)hat
(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu) (/pub/Linux/system/Network/chat)
(xIrc-1.16?.tar.gz) <-Precompiled-elf + source.)
(Just put *xIrc in /usr/X11/bin/(*xIrc) & keep xIrc.doc)
(/pub/Linux/devel/c++) (qt-0.97?-bin-linux.tar.gz)
(Put qt in / <-Required by xIrc to run.)
(/# tar xzvf qt-0.97-bin-linux.tar.gz <-It's installed.)
(~# startx (Then.> ~# xIrc <-Start xIrc.)

(25). [xrn...] (X Windows Newsreader (New, Reported to be fast...)
(ftp.cam.ov.com) (/pub/xrn) (xrn-linux.tgz) <-Precompiled-elf.)
(/# tar xzvf xrn-linux.tgz <-It's installed.) (~# man xrn)

(26). [zircon...] (X Windows Interface to (I)nternet (R)elay (C)hat........)
(Just requires a little compiling; also requires tcl7.5 &
tk4.1 or later to run...see above [surfit...]
(ftp.catless.ncl.ac.uk) (/pub) (zircon-1.17p1min.tar.gz)
(~# startx (Then.> ~/zircon-1.17p1min# installZircon)
(System Type?-> Linux <-Answer.)
(Click on [Install] button.) <-To compile & install.)

(A lot of these are precompiled.linux.elf; some of them have source available,
which you can compile in the aout format if you have an aout system.)
(Graphical = Requires X Windows to run) (Non-Graphical or Text Based =
Doesn't require X Windows to run.)
(6)...SLIRP, THE SLIP/PPP EMULATOR............................................)
Everything that you have to do to establish a regular slip/ppp connection,
you have to do to use slirp, everything you can do with a regular slip/ppp
connection, you can do with slirp.

There are a number of precompiled binaries for different (O)perating (S)ystems,
if your service provider has a SUN system you need a SUN binary, a LINUX
system a LINUX binary etc...

/usr/home/jerry% uname -a <-To find out your service providers OS.)

If you can't find a precompiled binary that matches your service provider's
operating system, your only option is to get the slirp source and upload it
to your /home/ directory and try to compile it.

/user/home/jerry% tar xzvf slirp-10c.tar.gz <-Unpack slirp.)
% cd slirp-10c/src
/user/home/jerry/slirp-1.0c/src% configure
% make <-Compile slirp.)
% strip slirp <-Make slirp leaner.)
% mv slirp /user/home/jerry
% cd /user/home/jerry
/user/home/jerry% rm -rf slirp-10c <-Remove compiled source.)
% chmod u+x slirp <-Make slirp executable.)
% exec slirp (Or.> % ./slirp <-Start slirp.)
(Slirp will shutdown when you close the program you used to make the
connection e.g. dip, pppd, minicom.)

(Where to get SLIRP...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(ftp.blitzen.canberra.edu.au) (http://www.blitzen.canberra.edu.au) (Home Page.)
(/pub/slirp) <-The slirp source, slirp-10c.tar.gz)
(/pub/slirp/binaries/1.0c) <-Precompiled slirp binaries for different OS.)

(alt.dcom.slip-emulators) <-The slirp, tia, twinsock, etc. Newsgroup.)
Maybe dead?
(7)...Further Reading...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
PPP-HOWTO (plain/text)
NET-2-HOWTO (plain/text)
ISP-HOOKUP-HOWTO (plain/text)
DNS-HOWTO (plain/text)
SERIAL-HOWTO (plain/text)
(/pub/Linux/docs/LDP/network-guide) (nag-1.0.ascii.tar.gz) (plain/text)

[Copyright 11-5-96 by Kent Robotti]